Our Baby

2 years and counting......

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Letter of Intent

We sent our letter of intent to Bethany today. Hopefully they will get it on Monday. The "China Team" has agreed to let me know once our information has been officially submitted. Yes, a little hand holding is OK I think, given what we have been through.


  1. yea!!! Praying for you! I know your immigration frustration...because our homestudy in our dossier was done in 2007 it has an old address on it. CIS won't issue our clearance without an updated homestudy (which was done a month ago). My agency still has not sent it to me...so I have not sent it to Immigration yet. UG, I'm frustrated with my agency, but my CIS caseworker (we are i-800) says he can have it to me in 2 weeks...I guess we'll see.

  2. The package made it to Bethany! Hopefully US Immigration can do better at processing our renewal than they do keeping illegals out of the country!
