Our Baby

2 years and counting......

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The countdown begins....

The next step in our process is the LOA, or "Letter of Acceptance." This is the *official* approval from China. Once we have this, we can post our little girls photo here on our blog and share more information about her. The average wait from our *PA* to *LOA* is about 35 days. The shortest time reported recently has been 10 days. The longest is 199 days. Families that are considered *pre-Hague* have a slightly shorter wait time, as there are less steps in the whole process. Thank the Lord that we are still considered *pre-Hague.* Tomorrow will be day 10. Here's hoping that we stay on this side of the curve!


  1. I am praying you hear something real soon....I keep looking on here everyday to see if something has changed.

  2. Hello,
    Our daughter (waiting in Quangxi) has the same birthdate! Not sure how I started following your blog, but was glad to learn of your new daughter. We lost a referral too... But, we now have our Article 5 for our daughter Ming Huan, and hope to travel in 4-8 weeks. Blessings to you. Meryl Rose, Minnesota

  3. Wow! What wonderful news...SO SO SO happy for you!!

  4. AWESOME!!! We are "Hague" i-800 and waited 18 days from PA to LOA! Woo hoo!! Keep us posted! I cannot wait to "meet" her!
