Our Baby

2 years and counting......

Monday, March 1, 2010

The latest news-

Well, we got word fr0m our social worker that we missed a couple of documents that should have gone with our letter of intent- we quickly took care of that on Saturday and hopefully will get to Bethany's main office by tomorrow. We also heard from the travel agent as well. So all is progressing now I hope. We are also waiting on our fingerprinting appointment with immigration. Hopefully that will come soon. Mike also painted her room. We chose a pale yellow so that her room will be bright and cheerful. She will also have a great view from her windows. Hopefully the next update will be our approval, then I can post her picture!! :)


  1. Well time will go faster than you think with all you have to do....will be nice to get her home

  2. I think we are going to do HG's room in yellow too. Not positive. Sorry about the paperwork. Stay busy with things so the time will go by faster (I know easier said than done!)
    I'd be happy to send you guys a prayer card - but I need your address. You can send it to my email if you like or you can put it on my blog, whichever you like.
    Will be praying for you too. Hopefully we will both get to China soon. ;0)

  3. Oh I forgot - I meant to tell you we have some dear friends who have a daughter from China who is named Autumn. The cool thing about her is they had that name on their list for YEARS & then when her referral paperwork was translated - yep you guessed it - her Chinese name meant Autumn. Neat God confirmation huh?

  4. I can't even imagine all the paperwork you have had to do but hang in there. I pray time flys by and before you know it she will be with you. God bless you all....much love.

  5. The room turned out great! I hate painting for sure but this room was worth the time.

  6. Sounds like my Jimmy re: painting! But he did a great job. We used yellow also on Emory's room...clamchowder was the name of it...it's really pale. Love it!
